The coaching staff is the lifeblood of a community based business. Yes it is important that coaches have the technical understanding necessary to teach and correct movement, to make sure that everyone that walks into the gym is safe and gets a good workout. That is basically table stakes from a coaching perspective. But coaches are so much more than that and as anyone that has been in the gym can attest, the coach matters. We all have our favorite coach or coaches, we get to know them, they get to know us and over time we build trust. That trust results in a relationship that is much more than a workout. We can all get a workout at home, in our garage, out at the park, or wherever we can keep safe, but it just isn't the same with out our friends and coaches.
Reach out, thank them for all they do and before we know it, we will all be back in the gym, face to face, pushing harder to get better and getting that perfect personalized coaching advice from our favorite coaches.
Check out some pics of Lynn, Kate, Angie, Amy (btw we need more pics of Angie and Amy), Ibis, Kyle, Jeff and Corey and a couple of our alumni coaches that helped build the community we have today - Morgan and Dennis (flattering pics :)).
Workout of the Day
Warm Up
4 x :20/:10
Glute bridges
Jumping Jacks
Single Leg Balance Deadlift
HR push-up
Gymnastic work
If proficient at HSPU sub strict for kipping
Rest 2:00
Rest 1:30
Rest 1:00
Rest :30
Rest :15
If working on HSPU
Same thing just Leg Elevated on Couch or desk
WOD 6 Rounds for time
12 Bulgarian Split Squats Scale to Step Up
9 5meter side shuffle and tap
6 HS Push-up/ Hips High Push-up/ Diamond Push-up
15 Burpees
Weighted Wod 6 Rounds For Time
12 DB Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk
15 Burpees
3 rounds each side with the DB
Cool Down
1:00 Box Shoulder Stretch
1:00/1:00 Twisted Cross
1:00 Cobra Hold